What Is the Difference Between Centralized Exchange (CEX) and Decentralized Exchange (DEX)?


Questions about the advantages and disadvantages of keeping your coins on centralized versus decentralized exchanges have been raised in light of the recent chaos surrounding the centralized exchange FTX.

Over the past five years, decentralized exchanges (DEXs) have emerged to compete with established CEXs. Briefly stated, DEXs seek to reduce transaction costs, let users to directly control their own assets, and reduce or eliminate some regulatory requirements. On the other hand, they must pay a fee to their liquidity providers to cover a certain type of risk known as “impermanent loss.”

CEXs also provide benefits. Conventional investors are familiar with and may feel more at ease with the framework of traditional institutions like the New York Stock Exchange, which is the business model used by the majority of centralized exchanges. They often provide higher liquidity and stronger regulatory certainties, which can be particularly significant for institutional clients. Their interfaces and applications also tend to be more beginner- and user-friendly. But it also implies that the central organization in charge of the exchange has considerable control over and accountability for the stability and well-being of its finances.

What you need to know if you’re thinking about switching to a DEX because of the recent FTX drama.

How do DEXs work?

Compared to their centralized competitors, DEXs seek to conduct transactions more swiftly and inexpensively. By eliminating the middleman organizations that take a share of transaction costs on CEXs, they achieve this. The largest DEX in the world, Uniswap, declares in its 2018 whitepaper that it would “extract zero rent,” protecting its customers from the extra expenses associated with making money for the intermediaries that manage CEXs. Bancor, a 2017 startup that calls itself the first DEX, promotes the decentralized strategy as follows:

“Historically, a limited number of specialist trading businesses with permissioned access to established asset exchanges have supplied liquidity. This concentrates liquidity in the hands of a small number of players, allowing them to withdraw funds during times of market turbulence and limiting trading of an asset when customers need it most.
The top DEX Uniswap was charging a 0.05% transaction fee on the $100,000 trade sampled by the world’s largest accounting firm KPMG as of late 2021. Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken, three CEXs, assessed fees of 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.2%, respectively.

The pricing of assets are decided by DEXs using “automated market maker” procedures rather than by a central organization managing trades. The “constant product” method, which bases pricing on the ratio of the total reserves of each of the relevant assets on the DEX, is a popular strategy. This has the benefit of tending to keep reserves in relative balance because any asset would become very costly if it were scarce.

Even yet, DEXs frequently provide values for assets that are similar to those of CEXs. This is due to the speedy arbitrage profits that may be made from any price disparity by watchful traders or bots. A pool would have to allow traders to sell ETH into the pool at a greater price than what the general market suggested if it had a very low amount of ETH in it. By purchasing it on the open market and selling it into the pool, traders might easily make money. The pool’s volume would increase as they did this, driving down the price until it was in line with the general market.

Temporary loss is a major issue for DEXs

Even while this technique is clever, it does pose a danger to the liquidity providers who support the pool. It is known as an impermanent loss risk. Providers of liquidity may withdraw the amount of the pool’s value to which they have contributed, not the precise number of tokens they have invested. Because the proportion of various tokens held in the pool varies as trades take place, it was unable to guarantee all suppliers their precise tokens. However, the pool will progressively contain more of whatever token is losing value as the ratio adjusts to reflect current wider market prices, and vice versa.

In comparison to their initial assets, a liquidity provider would often withdraw more of the token that lost value and less of the token that gained value. As a result, they will become poorer than if they had just kept their possessions to themselves. In reality, DEXs typically pay transaction fees to liquidity providers. However, doing so requires them to charge more money than they otherwise would.

Custodial vs. non-custodial

The decision of users as to whether they would prefer to hold their own cryptocurrency directly or entrust it to the exchange is another factor in the trade-off between DEXs and CEXs. Before trading, CEXs typically demand that users place assets in their custody.

Holding your own assets adheres to the crypto industry’s core value of independence. You have complete and sole authority over them. However, if not handled carefully, private keys can be lost or destroyed, making the associated assets unrecoverable. James Howells, a Welshman, accidentally threw away a hard drive in 2013 and lost access to 7,500 bitcoins, which by November 2022 would be worth well over $100 million. He has pleaded with the local council to permit him to excavate its landfill site numerous times in vain.

The rising popularity of DEXs may partially be attributed to their effectiveness in navigating certain regulatory obstacles. Due to its independence, the business that creates a DEX avoids acting as a counterparty or financial intermediary and is not subject to know-your-customer (KYC) or anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. ShapeShift was once a CEX, but its CEO claimed that as a result of the KYC regulations it was compelled to enact in 2018, the company lost 95% of its users. To get around this issue in 2021, Shapeshift consciously changed course and turned into a DEX.


When dealing with bigger investors, DEXs could find it more difficult than CEXs. They can’t currently compete in scale with the biggest CEXs, hence they can’t yet provide as much liquidity. Institutional investors face their own AML and other regulatory hurdles and may find it difficult to deal with exchanges that do not submit to similar requirements. Large orders may encounter unplanned additional costs known as “slippage” when they encounter insufficient liquidity.

Because of their own legal barriers, banks and hedge funds have been sluggish to adopt decentralized finance (DeFi), according to Sergej Kunz, co-founder of liquidity aggregation DEX 1inch Network. Despite the fact that it is a DEX, his business is now planning to develop a complying device called 1inch Pro, exclusively for these customers.

Larger investors may now use new aggregator protocols like 1inch to prevent liquidity issues while utilizing DEXs. In 2020, Pantera Capital led a $12 million fundraising round for 1inch.

Users may now simultaneously access liquidity from DEXs and CEXs thanks to the growth of aggregators. DiversiFi, a DEX itself, combines liquidity from both types of exchanges to assist its customers in completing bigger deals more quickly. Investors can avoid the costs associated with an exchange’s liquidity turning out to be insufficient for their order by doing this.

It comes down to two considerations when choosing the type of exchange to use: If ease of use is your primary concern and you don’t want to have complete control over your wallet, a CEX is probably the best choice for you. A DEX is the best option if fewer costs and greater control over your own money are your top priorities. Whichever route you choose, be sure you understand how to transfer your cryptocurrency from an exchange to cold storage in order to protect your wealth over the long term.

The Top NFT Marketplaces’ Position on Creator Royalties


Without a doubt, the main attraction for NFT creators seeking to make a living from their art for the first time is creator royalties. This would allow creators to benefit from this form of payment even if they are small by enabling them to receive recurring income whenever their works are sold on an NFT marketplace.

Only financially successful singers, actresses, and other creatives have had the luxury of using the word “royals” in their vocabulary for decades (albeit they prefer the term “residuals”). The typical creator now has the opportunity to experience this form of payment thanks to the growth of NFTs. OpenSea, on the other hand, came perilously close to upending that dynamic in November 2022 when, in response to a site update, it considered eliminating all royalties on existing collections.

Thankfully, in response to criticism from the community, OpenSea withdrew its commitment to the change. But that begged the question: What are the positions of other NFT marketplaces that the community uses frequently on this subject?

The current situation with royalties in NFT markets

For good cause, the NFT community criticized OpenSea vehemently for even considering taking author royalties out of current collections. It being the busiest NFT marketplace online, this came as no surprise.

So what is OpenSea’s position on giving artists access to royalties? Creator fees, as they are known on OpenSea, will continue to apply to existing collections on the website until December 8 at the earliest, according to a blog post from November 6. As it transitions to on-chain royalty enforcement on the platform, this means that OpenSea may still change its royalty policy for existing collections.

Why? As stated in the blog post from November, OpenSea CEO Devin Finzer thinks that off-chain royalties collection might eventually hurt producers. The voluntary creator fee payment percentage has fallen to fewer than 20% on marketplaces where these payments are optional. Additionally, Finzer said in the blog post, “creative fees are simply not paid at all on other platforms. NFT markets must move the enforcement of royalties to on-chain, where it can be done by code, rather than whoever is in charge of any specific marketplace, in order to properly assure that creative money is safeguarded by code.

And OpenSea might not be the only company that recognizes the significance of moving the enforcement of royalties onto the blockchain. The Royalty Registry is a smart contract developed in partnership with other NFT markets including Rarible, Recur, MakersPlace, Nifty Gateway, and others that enables artists to quickly implement on-chain royalty enforcement to their work.

The initiative, which was introduced in October 2021, hinted at some of the challenges OpenSea would face in moving toward on-chain royalty enforcement by pointing to the challenge of implementing such a feature on older works and collections whose royalty agreements were crafted off-chain. The Royalty Registry noted that given that marketplaces like Rarible have already developed existing on-chain infrastructure to handle creator royalty payouts, NFT marketplaces would eventually need to converge on a standard for on-chain royalty enforcement.

Finzer may also be on the money when it comes to how on-chain royalty enforcement would guarantee the long-term financial stability of NFT inventors. As an illustration, NFT markets like sudoswap and X2Y2 continue to be well-liked by traders precisely because they are royalty-free. Some legacy NFT marketplaces have felt pressure to change in response to this perceived shift in market demand as a result of the growing popularity of this model.

For instance, consider Magic Eden. The top NFT marketplace in Solana changed to making royalties optional weeks before OpenSea made its shocking revelation. Now, when purchasing an NFT on Magic Eden, purchasers have the option of deferring paying the creators this charge. This creates a dangerous precedent for creators even if, on paper, it would encourage collectors to keep using the site because of the cheaper costs. Should creators be concerned as NFT markets work to realize their ideals of zero fees? For the time being, eliminating gas costs may be the top goal, but for some traders, avoiding creator royalties makes the most sense. Fortunately, this response to the trend has not been shared by all markets.

How NFT markets seek to prioritize creators

After the renewed discussion about creator royalties, the market felt compelled to strengthen its creator-first stance in the case of SuperRare. In an interview with nft now, John Crain, co-founder and CEO of SuperRare, said that one of the reasons Web3 is interesting is that it makes new models that were previously impractical possible. “In this instance, there were no real-time royalties for visual art before.”

SuperRare differs from its rivals in that it gives collectors the same opportunity to receive royalties-based rewards as artists do. To the delight of its community, SuperRare launched its collector royalty function in July 2021. Crain went on to say that not all NFT markets could be a good fit for this concept. Since we’re concentrating on art, it makes perfect sense. Perhaps it’s not the best course of action for them if a marketplace is selling other kinds of assets, he said.

Even if creator royalties are emphasized verbally, NFT markets have experimented with alternatives to this model that are more favorable to creators. As an illustration, Magic Eden released MetaShield a month before making their contentious statement and after making royalties optional. By using this tool, creators can prevent their works from appearing on sites that don’t fully honor royalties and keep track of the debt that traders who refuse to pay them have accrued against their works.

Looks fantastic, doesn’t it? Some people are reasonably concerned about the availability of such a tool, and their worries are unrelated to royalties. Some claim that MetaShield poses a danger to Web3’s core value of decentralization even if it is intended to help producers better monitor their creations after mint.

Ironically, OpenSea may have found a better way to prevent works from appearing on marketplaces that disregard royalties yet adding a lot of fire to the licensing argument. A piece of code that creators may add to their NFTs to make sure they remain on marketplaces that impose royalty payments is also noted in its November 7 blog post.

It appears that if the NFT community wants to continue expanding, it will have to swallow a bitter pill in the form of OpenSea’s upcoming relocation. The future of the NFT creator community is tied to on-chain marketplaces, regardless of what OpenSea decides to do with its older collections. It seems more reliable to trust the code to ensure that creators are paid than to rely on a single employee of an NFT marketplace.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Selling Photos as NFTs


NFTs play a big role in the technological revolution known as Web 3.0. They’re everywhere in the headlines and on social media, but what are NFTs in reality? And how can you use the internet to sell photographs as NFTs?

What Are NFTs?

Digital assets are called non-fungible tokens, or NFTs. They may be created using images, animated GIFs, drawings, movies, audio files, and other media.

Each NFT is distinct and regarded as a collectable. A blockchain digital ledger is used to record NFTs in an important way that confirms their exclusivity and legitimacy. You may avoid having to worry about fake assets in this way. The procedure also keeps track of the transactions that an NFT does and guarantees ownership transparency.

Online markets are used by people to sell NFTs. Here, artists tokenize their works of art and give consumers ownership of those tokens. All transactions include digital currencies, therefore the blockchain logs the transaction as soon as a buyer transfers the NFT’s price in a cryptocurrency.

These digital assets are up for auction, or buyers can work out a deal with the seller.

It can be quite intimidating to sell photos as NFTs, especially at first. Below, we deconstruct the process into simple, understandable steps.

Step 1, Choose a blockchain platform

There are several blockchains out there, and each has its own set of guidelines. Therefore, it is imperative that you carefully select the platform where you will produce and perhaps even sell your photographic NFTs. This is important since you must choose tools and markets that work together.

The blockchains that are most used include:

  • Ethereum
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Tezos
  • Polkadot
  • Cosmos
  • EOS
  • Flow

Ethereum is the best option if you want greater exposure for your work because it is presently the most well-liked blockchain platform for minting NFTs.

Step 2, Establish a Cryptocurrency Wallet

You must choose the cryptocurrency wallet you’ll use to carry out all essential transactions after deciding on a blockchain. You will require an ERC-721 compatible wallet in order to use the Ethereum ecosystem. MetaMask, TrustWallet, and Coinbase Wallet are a few alternatives.

We’ll use MetaMask as an example to walk you through the full process of setting up a cryptocurrency wallet.

  1. Start by visiting MetaMask.io and selecting the Download Now option.

2. Set up MetaMask. This is possible on Chrome, iOS, and Android. The MetaMask app is also available in the Play Store and the App Store.

3. After that, click Add to Chrome to add a MetaMask extension to your browser.

4. Simply select Get Started.

5. You’ll have the choice to import an existing wallet or create a new one in the following window.

  • Enter your 12-word seed phrase to access an existing wallet with MetaMask.
  • Create a wallet for new users by entering the needed information. You will receive a brand-new wallet from MetaMask along with a matching 12-word seed phrase.

The 12-word seed phrase serves as a unique authentication code for your cryptocurrency wallet. Keep your code safe. Keep it in a secure location. More essential, avoid telling anyone else this sentence. People are constantly being phished by scammers and hackers for their personal information.

Step 3, Put Your Selected Currency in Your Wallet

When your cryptocurrency wallet is prepared, you’ll need to add some cryptocurrency to it in order to complete transactions and cover the associated costs. You must add Ether to your wallet if you’re utilizing the Ethereum blockchain. For your initial deposit, try between $100 and $150.

There are several ways to add bitcoin to your wallet:

  • Direct payment
  • By transferring funds from your internet wallet to an offline hardware wallet
  • by moving money from one online wallet to another (if you use MetaMask, you can receive funds from Binance Wallet)
  • Directly purchasing Ether through Wyre

Pay close attention to the Ether price and purchase while it is reasonably cheap. After adding money to your wallet, you can select an appropriate market:

Step 4, Choose Your NFT Market

For photography, there are many NFT markets. Each has somewhat unique pricing and process. OpenSea is a well-known and easily accessible marketplace with a user-friendly layout and straightforward buying, selling, and trading procedures.

Other choices to think about are as follows:

Some marketplaces, including Foundation and SuperRare, require an invitation from an active member or board curator in order to access.

Step 5, Connect your cryptocurrency wallet to an online store

Sign into the marketplace of your choosing after providing the essential personal information. You must include your bitcoin wallet after creating your profile. Simple methods to accomplish this with OpenSea are as follows:

  1. In the upper right corner, click the Profile Icon.

2. Next, select the wallet you are currently using.

3. Your wallet will connect to your profile after you enter your information.

Step 6, Make Your Own Semi-Fungible or 1/1 Token

Make sure to link your wallet so you may do any transactions, including creating and listing NFTs, straight from your profile. Either a 1/1 or a semi-fungible token can be made.

If you’re just getting started, we advise making a 1/1 token first so you can learn how everything works. The decision to produce semi-fungible tokens, which are more complex and have a drawn-out listing process, can then be made.

  1. Select Create.

2. The image you wish to tokenize should be uploaded. The largest file that may be uploaded is 100 MB.

3. Give your NFT a distinctive name before including an outside link to your online portfolio or website. You might also provide an NFT description.

4. Choose a suitable collection to put your NFTs in. On the market, there are over two million collections, and you can constantly make new ones.

5. Select whether you want the NFT to be a semi-fungible or a 1/1 token.

6. Decide which blockchain to use.

7. If you decide on Ethereum, make sure you have ETH in your wallet as well. You’ll be required to pay a minting fee, also known as a gas fee, for your NFT.

8. Select Freeze Metadata if you want to keep the NFT information about your image in a decentralized file storage system. This process will require more computing power, so you’ll pay more for gas.

9. To upload your NFT to the blockchain, click Create.

Step 7, Place Your NFT on the Market

Congratulations! You now possess a digital asset that is ready for sale. Follow these steps to list your NFT on a marketplace:

  • If you wish to sell your photo NFT for a specific amount, choose Fixed Price. If you want others to place bids on your NFT, choose Timed Auction.
  • Decide on an average cost for your token.
  • Choose how long your photo will be available for purchase.
  • Click Complete Listing once you’ve customized each of these metrics.

So there you have it! You recently uploaded your photo to the internet as an NFT.

You should be aware that there will be a listing cost. Two gas costs are required for new sellers: one is for setting up their accounts, and the other is for minting their NFT on the blockchain ledger. The fees will be automatically deducted from your wallet once your NFT has been created.

How Do Gas Fees On Ethereum Work?

The bare minimum amount for the computing resources needed to log a transaction on the Ethereum blockchain is known as an Ethereum gas fee. Depending on the workload and server stress, the gas prices are continually fluctuating. Because Ethereum is a digital ledger, every transaction can be seen and verified by anyone.

The petrol costs are rather expensive when there are several transactions going on. On the other hand, minimal load on the blockchain will result in reduced gas fees. The real-time value of ether has an impact on gas prices as well. Therefore, before deciding on a price for your image, always check the gas prices and compute your costs before minting a photo as an NFT.

Technology advances quickly. It is not surprising that photographers are transitioning toward selling photographs as NFTs as more and more of the world goes digital. Both buyers and sellers benefit from the clarity and convenience that the process of digitizing your assets and listing them for sale offers.

A Guide to NFTs on Facebook and Instagram from Web2 to Web3


The organization previously known as Facebook has long had its sights set on the development of the internet. In order to use its limitless resources and the experience of the Oculus team to create the first entry-level VR headsets that flood the mass market, the tech behemoth purchased Oculus in 2014. Facebook has since since continued its shift into unknown seas, but we’re still not quite there. It currently goes by the name Meta and is exploring Web 3.

In addition to the well renowned metaverse game Horizon Worlds, Meta is integrating Facebook and Instagram, two of the most important Web2 services, into full Web3 capabilities. However, that transition won’t occur instantly; there will be introductory breaks. We’re here to fill you in on all you need to know about how NFTs fit into the future of these social media giants and why they’re taking center stage on Facebook and Instagram’s Web3 transition.

From an image-sharing website to an NFT marketplace, Instagram

Instagram was promoted as a cost-free smartphone software that allowed users to freely share images with their social networks when it first debuted in October 2010. However, most of the results were not appealing due to the fairly outdated camera technology of most cellphones at the time. However, there was genuine photography within the flood of blurry iPhone 4 selfies. Sometimes, too, is art.

After twelve years and a Facebook purchase, millions of individuals use Instagram as their primary social media platform. Since then, it has increased the range of services it offers beyond straightforward picture sharing to include carousels, films, and — as of May 2022 – NFTs. Instagram appeared prepared for a year of significant changes after a January 2022 announcement regarding the website’s future NFT-ready feature set. So what NFT features are available to Instagram users today?

A rundown of Instagram NFTs

Although a recent upgrade made it possible for a number of well-known NFT producers to sell their creations as NFTs on Instagram, this functionality won’t remain exclusive indefinitely. That initial crop of producers was essentially Meta’s test group, much as how it debuted features that let NFT makers and collectors to exhibit and share their NFTs on Instagram for free in May 2022.

Just three months after the function originally went into testing, Instagram increased support for its NFT sharing features to encompass more than 100 countries in August 2022. It won’t be long until normal users are able to sell NFTs on the site through its planned Creator Marketplace. When that happens, Instagram may overtake the other online NFT marketplaces that are now operational.

Using Instagram NFTs

And the reason for it goes beyond Instagram’s undeniable brand awareness. Meta has focused a lot on making sure that using Instagram’s brand-new NFT capabilities is as simple and straightforward as possible in order to better assist Instagram’s prospective status as a significant Web3 onboarding platform. These features are accessible with a few quick touches for creators, collectors, and anybody else who wants to use them.

What makes Instagram’s NFT implementations so appealing, then? To begin with, Meta has highlighted a number of important aspects, such as the ability to share NFTs as posts for free. Additionally, it has been promised to be totally free of gas expenses, at least initially, once its NFT marketplace services are up and running. There may still be fees for using the iOS and Android app stores.

The inclusion of as many blockchains and cryptocurrency wallets as feasible is another goal of Meta. Ethereum, Polygon, Flow, and Solana are reportedly included in its expanding list of supported blockchains, according to a blog post from November. The supported cryptocurrency wallets are MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Rainbow, Dapper, Phantom, and the Coinbase Wallet, among others.

What types of NFTs may you display on Instagram, then? Theoretically, anything. as long as there is some sort of visual element. A recent extension to the kinds of NFTs users may discuss on the site and potentially trade is also referenced in Meta’s blog post from November. Specifically, animation and video NFTs.

The social network that has it all is Facebook. NFTs are part of it.

Facebook was a much simpler place ten years ago. People “become fans” of sites with amusing titles and poked fun at each other. The main output of Meta is now simply a little version of the internet. Since nearly anything can be done on the network, it only makes natural that Facebook would ultimately allow its many users to buy and trade NFTs there.

However, it won’t happen all at once.

How NFTs operate on Facebook

Facebook’s use of NFTs is now restricted to posting them as posts. This tool may be used to quickly advertise fresh NFT releases on the greatest social media site in the world if a developer has a sizable audience on the platform. This is something that Instagram already does, and the platform’s creators regard it as a game-changer for marketing and promotion.

Although these NFT sharing tools were made accessible to Facebook users at the same time as Instagram users gained them, it is still unknown exactly when NFT trading will be made possible on the social networking site. Right present, it appears that much of the attention is being paid to extending this feature’s support to new markets. All U.S. users of the platform have access to NFT sharing capability as of a September update, and they have the option to cross-post their NFTs across both Facebook and Instagram, similar to stories and standard photo postings today.

The transition of Facebook to an NFT market

Although there isn’t any concrete information on how and when Facebook plans to deal with the issue of trading NFTs on the platform, its recent efforts to simplify how platform creators are paid for their work suggest that Meta wants to make everything perfect before it truly opens the NFT floodgates on Facebook.

Facebook has provided fans with a way to give directly to their favorite creators via its Stars feature, which is a type of digital currency users can buy with fiat currency and use as a way to interact with their creators financially. This is similar to how “bits” work on Twitch.

The functionality is currently accessible to all qualified artists in a few areas as of a June 2022 update, and it can be used on live broadcasts, movies, reels, as well as photos and text postings.

Contrary to Twitch’s use of digital currency, there is reason to believe that Facebook is preparing its users for the concept of paying real money for digital products. Stars would be crypto according to Web3. What about NFTs, though? Those would be the digital presents Meta has added in Facebook’s Stars service upgrade from November. Fans may now buy digital presents to virtually give to their favorite authors by using their Stars. Although NFTs may still be a ways off, this development has already advanced past the first stage.

What exactly are cryptocurrency whale trackers and how do they work?


What exactly are crypto whales?

The price of the majority of cryptocurrencies may be influenced by a few of significant holders of the asset. It is beneficial for active traders and investors to comprehend the market actions of these whales.

Large cryptocurrency holdings are referred to as “crypto whales.” They might be people or companies, and they frequently possess more than 10% of cryptocurrency. For instance, because MicroStrategy participates in the market and owns about 130,000 Bitcoin (BTC), they have the power to influence the price of BTC. As a result, keeping tabs on crypto whale activity offers timely information on a cryptocurrency asset’s price trend.

Not only is this a crypto phenomena. In conventional markets, an asset’s price will rise or fall depending on whether a major player like Warren Buffett, a company, or a hedge fund discloses that they have purchased it. Having said that, the market usually reacts to these players selling an asset.

All transactions involving cryptocurrencies and nonfungible tokens (NFTs) take place on the chain. Because of the openness that blockchain provides, whale-owned wallet transactions may be identified by the amount of the cryptocurrency positions they hold. The behavior of the larger market may therefore be predicted by tracking these wallets.

What does whale tracking in crypto mean?

The activities of crypto whales may be tracked using specialized tools. These tools can offer analytics on whale activity and, in certain cases, can help the user make investment or trading decisions.

The volume of cryptocurrencies entering and leaving exchanges is continuously monitored by cryptocurrency traders and investors. Large-scale transfers of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ether (ETH) into an exchange are typically accompanied by sell activity, which lowers the price. On the other hand, if cryptocurrencies move from exchanges into wallets, it is thought to be a sign that prices are about to increase.

This is so that prices can rise when there is a big net outflow of cryptocurrencies from exchanges, which results in a reduction in supply. A whale might often purchase cryptocurrencies on an exchange and transfer them in bulk to their wallets. This can lead to a favorable price movement for the cryptocurrency.

In certain circumstances, whales may decide against influencing the markets by making purchases or sales on an exchange. They would conduct an OTC transaction between two wallets. By sending Bitcoin to a wallet that would return USD Coin (USDC), for instance, they might sell BTC without the market seeing the transaction.

Investors can examine a major transaction that is recorded on the blockchain to identify the wallets involved. The wallets might be referred to as crypto whale wallets if they hold significant cryptocurrency positions. From that point on, keeping an eye on these wallets and the transactions made inside might be helpful in analyzing price changes of the cryptocurrency stored there.

The NFT markets can also benefit from whale monitoring. Large holders of the collection are present in most NFT communities. These NFT holders are frequently recognized by the local community. Investors may make prompt buy/sell decisions by monitoring the movements of these whales’ wallets.

For instance, strong convictions may be shown if a renowned NFT collector or a whale completely destroys a nonfungible token collection. That would be seen by NFT collectors and the whale, who would then buy the nonfungible tokens. Throughout the NFT bull market in 2021, Gary Vaynerchuk’s actions were repeatedly observed.

Even if it’s just for one cryptocurrency or NFT collection, manually keeping track of whale activity can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Tools for tracking whales can be useful in this situation.

What purposes do crypto whale tracking tools serve?

Due to the transparency that blockchain enables, investors can identify wallets that whales possess and watch them for purchase and sell activity with the use of whale tracking tools. The automation of the tracking process is aided by the use of tracking technologies.

The majority of cryptocurrency owners have multiple cryptocurrencies in their portfolios. They will need to locate and keep tabs on many wallets that store significant amounts of the cryptocurrency they are interested in in order to stay aware about market moves. This functionality is provided by on-chain analytics tools.

When a transaction is committed by a whale wallet, tracking tools immediately identify them on the blockchain and alert the user. These tools may also be used to find transactions larger than a certain value, enabling users to find the whales in the crypto ecosystem.

In a similar manner, NFT collections may be monitored for events like the floor sweep, the selling of NFTs at bid price, and the listing of new nonfungible tokens below floor price, among others. The lowest price at which a nonfungible token (NFT) may be purchased is known as the collection’s floor price. Sometimes the floor price decreases when there is little demand for an NFT collection.

One NFT holder will frequently advertise their NFT below the floor price to start the decline in floor pricing. Therefore, such activities may be identified using whale tracking techniques so that an investor is made aware and can take appropriate action.

On the other hand, a floor sweep suggests that there is a great demand for an NFT collection. This describes the act of purchasing a large number of nonfungible tokens from a collection that are being offered for sale at the floor price. When a whale’s wallet sweeps the floors of a new collection, whale tracking tools can detect it. Investors in NFT will be made aware, and they will then be able to follow the new collection.

What technologies are often used to track crypto whales?

Investors may identify whale activity and make prompt and informed decisions by using whale tracking software like Whale Watchers, Whale Bot Alerts, and others.

The capabilities of whale monitoring tools vary; some are as basic as a window on top of a blockchain, while others offer analytics and graphing skills across numerous blockchains. While some only offer NFT whale tracking, others also cover crypto whale tracking.

While some analytics systems just provide customers basic insights and alerts on whale activity, others offer more in-depth learning possibilities on charts and analytics. Some only provide a straightforward feed, while others use Twitter and Telegram to update subscribers.

Whale Watchers, Whale Bot Alerts, Whale Map, Whale Alerts, Clank App, and Coincarp are a few of the essential tools for whale watching. In addition to this, programs like Solscan and Etherscan sit atop their own blockchains and include whale-tracking features.

With whale tracking, one may become as technologically sophisticated as feasible. The market’s response to a whale transaction, however, is not always predictable. Even if knowledge of whale behavior is helpful, it is only one factor that will have an impact on how cryptocurrencies are priced. This is particularly true in a market when macroeconomic variables dominate.

A new feature by MetaMask will help users monitor their nft portfolio


In a statement from the firm, MetaMask announced the launch of a new tool that would let customers monitor the value of their NFT portfolio. More than 5,000 NFT collections will have updated price data available to wallet users.

The function is the result of a collaboration between the cryptocurrency wallet and NFTBank, a tool for managing and appraising NFTs. The platform updates its users after using machine learning algorithms to estimate prices for specific NFTs within a collection.

Given that valuing NFTs requires judgment, the tool uses a number of characteristics to provide price predictions that are up to 90% accurate. Floor price, rarity, and bid-ask distribution are a few of the criteria.

The value of the majority of NFT holders’ collections has decreased to nearly nothing since the start of the bear market. According to Daniel Kim, CEO of NFTBank, understanding pricing is even more crucial given the present situation of the market and the extreme volatility linked to digital assets. Nevertheless, the tool’s purpose is to assist users in determining the “appropriate price” of their NFTs.

The Launch of MetaMask NFT Portfolio Tracker coincides with the Platform’s expansion of Web3 capabilities

The most recent offering from MetaMask, which has been actively enhancing its capabilities inside the Web3 market, is the portfolio value tracker. ConsenSys has already committed to spending $2.4 million annually to support the establishment of a MetaMask Grants DAO, which will be managed by the wallet’s staff and provide funding to third parties so they may create new components for its ecosystem.

One month ago, MetaMask and Cobo released custodial features for institutional investors interested in NFTs. This month, they released a portfolio tracker. Due to the integration, institutional clients could designate roles for various individuals within a company, dictating who could buy, sell, and trade according to the administrator’s preferences.

Five Marketing Tips to Expand Your NFT Community


With artists, companies, and enthusiasts all fighting for a piece of the virtual pie, the ethereal world of NFTs has fast become oversaturated. It might be difficult to stand out in a field that is changing so quickly, but creating and sustaining an authentic community is a terrific approach to do it.

You might wonder, “How can I create the community of my dreams?”

The modern Web3 tools we now have access to and the digital marketing strategies we are all familiar with and love make up NFT marketing. You have access to a variety of NFT marketing techniques that you can customize to showcase your NFT project to your target audience in the best possible light.

How Important Is Community?

Although the NFT industry is still in its infancy, several initiatives and platforms are already competing for users’ attention. With so many big NFT initiatives occupying the sector, it’s crucial to differentiate your product from the competition and establish a solid community. A dedicated community can support and offer suggestions, serve as dependable advocates, and eventually turn into potential investors for your NFT project.

Before you begin investing your resources in marketing, it is imperative to take into account important elements like where your target audience spends their internet time. You may develop and manage your community on social media platforms, but it’s vital to keep in mind that not all of them are made equally.

Prior to starting to promote your NFT project, use this checklist:

  • Whom am I trying to reach?
  • How does my NFT project benefit or serve my audience?
  • Where on the internet does my audience spend the most time?
  • Do I have a successful marketing plan?
  • What objectives do I have for the NFT project?

Planning and strategizing are essential components of any campaign, so devote enough time to your research and incorporate a solid NFT marketing plan to guide you through the process of building your online community. Let’s look at some advice that will help you on this mission because a lack of community, planning, and effective marketing can cost you the authenticity and credibility of your entire project.

The Top 5 Marketing Advice to Grow Your Community

Concentrate on a particular niche community and develop your brand there

Since the NFT market is still in its infancy, there are many chances for you to break new ground with your initiative. You may better understand and satiate their needs and wants to develop a relationship with them by concentrating on a certain group or hobbies.

By producing content that connects with your target audience, you’ll be able to tell your story and build a solid reputation in your niche.

Participate in community-related Twitter hashtag conversations

You may broaden the audience for your tweets and contribute to ongoing discussions about important topics by using specialist hashtags that are appropriate to your tweets. This is a fantastic way to attract the attention of followers and investors who might be interested in your NFT project.

In addition, keeping an active profile, interacting with the community, and posting your original content will pique the interest of the generous NFT audience on Twitter.

With a blog, produce useful material for your community.

A blog is a fantastic way to position yourself as a thought leader in your field. By producing useful and shareable blog content, you can both draw new people into your community and benefit the existing ones. The success of any project depends on your ability to establish credibility and trust.

Your blog’s topics can be anything you want them to be, from creative to educational, creating a hub for your community to learn more about you, the NFT industry, current events, and anything else you can think of to write about. Your only restriction is your imagination.

Make your Discord server available in Discord directories

One of the most well-liked chat services in the gaming and cryptocurrency communities is Discord. You may draw new members interested in joining your vibrant and engaged NFT community by adding your server on pertinent Discord directories.

This is a fantastic method for organic growth and for reaching potential new members who might not be active on other social media sites. Discord bots can also be used to automate processes like welcoming new users, publishing news and announcements, and moderating conversations.

Contribute by posting as a guest on several websites

Writing guest articles for other blogs and websites is a fantastic method to spread the word about yourself and your project while also establishing credibility. You get the most impact, make sure to only publish on trusted websites that are pertinent to your sector. You can make your NFT project more visible and draw a committed, active, and knowledgeable community.

By prioritizing your community and effectively communicating your message to encourage attention and action from the members, you can help ensure the success of any project by investing the time and effort necessary to build a strong foundation.

Making Your Project Stand Out

Making and minting NFTs is quite simple, but standing out in the crowded market will require you to go above and beyond with your innovative and open marketing plan. Remember that honesty begets authenticity, so show the individuals who are interested in your NFT initiative that you cherish and respect them by developing a sincere relationship with them, and let the rest develop naturally.

Your marketing strategy deliberately reflects your project into channels where people looking for new NFTs may find it. A community that is active and sustainable is created by communicating a thoughtful, open, and innovative message that draws people who respect your initiative for its originality.

To steal digital assets, hackers used applications. Here’s a way to stop them


In the NFT industry, scams like Rag Pull are frequently addressed. However, there are additional means of user exploitation that demand attention. Since blockchain-based smart contracts have a smaller attack surface than web apps, it is widely believed to be more difficult to exploit them. However, security flaws can be exploited in these places since we require a web application to access smart contract functionality.

Simply expressed, you still need to use the Internet to access your NFTs and crypto and to buy or sell these assets like you would on any other website. Furthermore, consumers may be harmed by any security flaws in such front-end applications.

Sadly, without even employing smart contracts, hackers are exploiting a critical hole to seize digital assets. Criminals specifically hack into a certain decentralized application’s front-end apps and send out queries to deceive users into signing fraudulent transactions. Such requests are extremely difficult to spot since, at first look, they frequently seem authentic and safe because they resemble the tone and language of the site.

The queries, however, are really processed by the fraudsters themselves and are not related to the website. Result? The attacker can withdraw some assets from the wallet once the user signs the transaction.

It’s crucial to understand that this attack does not completely grant the hacker control over the wallet. If NFTs are taken from one collection, it could be necessary to conduct another fraudulent transaction to steal NFTs from another collection. However, it poses a crucial issue: who is in charge of safeguarding your digital assets? Here, is an attempt to provide a response to this question by examining each of the parties involved – wallets, platforms, and users – and offering recommendations on how to stop such exploits.

Vigilant communication in personal token wallet

Cryptocurrency wallets, which are used to store digital assets, contain several levels of protection that are designed to deny access to them to anybody outside the owner. Hackers can circumvent the aforementioned security precautions without having access to any passwords, though, by focusing on the security flaws of front-end programs. This may cause numerous users to simultaneously lose control of their NFTs.

Wallets like MetaMask can provide more covert warning signals for typical sorts of interactions to stop this.

At the moment, only impartial data detailing transaction approval is displayed. Instead, a warning notice that alerts the user that they can transfer access to a specific item (or collection of assets) may be displayed. This would give one the incentive to think carefully before agreeing to any transaction that would give them ownership over any NFTs.

Information about fraud prevention being added to knowledge bases

Marketplaces that deal in digital assets can better specify and express the extent of their interactions by including a section on possible hacker access points to their knowledge base. They are able to list and publicize samples of contract negotiations they can start (for instance, “I’m opensea @ opensea.io. I’ll just call this contract using these criteria.

Similar to this, service providers like MetaMask have the right to reject any unusual transactions. Therefore, a client-side vulnerability alone won’t usually be sufficient for an assault to succeed.

How to Reduce Risk for Users

Reviewing transaction information carefully before accepting anything is the most straightforward yet crucial activity that individuals active in the NFT environment can perform. We evaluate bank transactions in the same manner as this.

There are several wallets available, which may be used to spread risk or even to interact with various sites using separate wallets. If a user divides their digital assets among several wallets, the other wallets will still be safe even if one is hacked.

Ultimately, there isn’t a viable method to completely ward off con artists. But many exploits may be avoided if these recommendations are followed to the letter. Web3 is expected to close some of the security vulnerabilities we’re seeing, even though better solutions are on the horizon. Platforms like Premint suggest that once the next version of the Web is completely integrated, there may be a new and bright future. Apply Web 2.0. incarnate right now. A less susceptible market will arise from increased security measures and more threat awareness, even though there is no magic bullet to deter hackers.

What Are Rug Pulls Scams? Do They Constitute a Threat?


The U.S. back in March 2022 In what is regarded as the DOJ’s first NFT “rug pull” bust, Ethan Nguyen (a.k.a. “Frostie”) and Andre Llacuna (a.k.a. “heyandre”), the co-founders of Frosties, were charged with conspiring to conduct fraud and conspiring to launder money.

The jig was up for Frosties and its creators after the DOJ’s $1.1 million NFT raid. Investors were also promised raffles, merchandise, and a “special fund to maintain the sustainability of the Frosties,” but these promises weren’t precisely kept for the ice cream-themed project, which was widely pushed as a “cool, tasty, and unique” collection of 8,888 NFTs.

Nguyen, 20, and Llacuna, 20, were detained and charged in the Southern District of New York after a two-month investigation for “promising investors the benefits of the Frosties NFTs, but when it sold out…pulling the rug out from under the victims, almost immediately shutting down the website and transferring the money,” according to the press release. Does Frosties, however, retain the record for the worst NFT ever? No, it’s not the only one that has caused folks to wonder, “Are NFTs a scam?”

Cryptocurrency scam is nothing new. Regulators and investors have been plagued by them as as early as 2017. Rug pulls are only the most recent scam scheme, but they have had negative effects. NFT rug pulls caused more than $2.8 billion in losses in 2021, according to Chainalysis, representing for 37% of the total income from cryptocurrency scams throughout the year and a 1% rise over 2020.

Lawmakers, administrators, and members of the cryptocurrency and NFT communities have been obliged to exercise extreme caution and vigilance when it comes to new projects as user numbers continue to soar. Right now, you need to understand what NFT and cryptocurrency rug pulls are and how to safeguard yourself if you want to be a part of the NFT ecosystem. Here is all the information you require.

What is a “Rug Pull?”

In a malicious act called a “rug pull,” which is akin to a “pump and dump” scheme, cryptocurrency developers entice early investors and then abandon the project by either (1) fleeing with the project funds or (2) selling off their pre-mined holdings, with the goal of draining all funds from investors.

In most cases, the developers will immediately move the money out of the ecosystem once the prices reach a specific threshold and vanish altogether. For instance, the criminal complaint claims that Nguyen and Llacuna moved all of the sales revenues to other digital wallets after receiving over $1 million in cryptocurrency from their community. They also allegedly shut down the project’s website and Discord server. Investors in the initiative were unable to contact the creators and never received the promised benefits.

Nguyen and Llacuna now each face a 20-year jail sentence.

It is an awful typical circumstance, and this type of crypto fraud is not new. Although the DOJ’s recent bust of Nguyen and Llacuna is not the first “rug pull” to target both novice and experienced investors in the NFT market, it is a first. As a result, the incident undoubtedly brings up many new issues about the judicial system. However, in order to fully comprehend the legal implications of this incident, we must first take a closer look at this particular crypto and NFT fraud. However, the Frosties NFT rug drew a strong response from American legal systems, which many saw as the beginning of the end for crypto and the NFTs’ reputation as an online Wild West.

As a result, further inquiries concerning the judicial system surfaced. The Frosties case should deter copycats from trying to replicate the fraud given the high-profile arrests of other bad actors in the crypto and NFT areas. Our laws may need to catch up, even as federal officials are keeping a closer check than ever on Web3 for wrongdoing. We must go a bit deeper into the nature of this specific type of crypto and NFT fraud in order to comprehend the legal importance of this incident.

Are cryptocurrency and NFT rug pulls prohibited?

The first thing to consider is whether NFTs adhere to stricter standards than other forms of investments due to their recent emergence in the fintech industry.

Naturally, the response is no.

According to Special Agent-in-Charge Thomas Fattorusso’s remark from March, “NFTs represent a new age for financial investments, but the same regulations apply to an investment in an NFT or a real estate development.” “You cannot ask for money for a business opportunity, run away with the money the investors gave you.”

Given the horrifying repercussions that victims inevitably experience in whatever case, the next thing to raise is whether rug pulls are criminal. Most attorneys will concur that the answer to that question relies on the form the rug pull takes at the time it’s happening as they increase their legal expertise as it relates to NFTs.

What types of rug pulls are there?

Hard rug pulls

Which can place when a project’s founder intentionally utilizes the project as a tool to mislead investors by using coding, are wholly prohibited. In this instance, the smart contract has concealed clauses in its code that are intended to deceive investors and steal money. The code is prima facie proof of the intention to defraud investors and steal their money, usually by locking them into an asset with no real direction or purpose.

Soft rug pulls

Are generally despised in the NFT area despite the fact that they aren’t technically “illegal” per per. When word got out that the creator of Azuki had given up on earlier endeavors, many people dreaded a future Azuki rug pull. What distinguishes a soft rug pull from a firm rug pull, then? It’s not overt, but it’s obvious: there’s still a chance that the smart contract code was created with the intention of stealing from or defrauding investors.

The majority of the time, this happens when founders and their teams quickly liquidate their assets, depreciating the token in the process and taking advantage of the profit made by investors purchasing the cryptocurrency itself. As an illustration, consider a cryptocurrency initiative that claims to contribute money but decides to keep it for whatever reason.

The DOJ has proven time and time again that it isn’t one to play around, most notably with its recent Frosties NFT bust. The National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team’s director, Eun Young Choi, was revealed by the Justice Department to be its first-ever appointment in February (NCET).

The NCET, which is made up of attorneys from across the department and includes prosecutors with experience in cryptocurrency, cybercrime, money laundering, and forfeiture, was established, according to the press release, to ensure that the department is up to the challenge posed by the criminal misuse of cryptocurrencies and digital assets.

With a focus on virtual currency exchanges, mixing and tumbling services, infrastructure providers, and other organizations (NFT projects), Choi’s role as NCET Director will enable her to identify, investigate, support, and pursue the department’s cases involving the criminal use of digital assets.

Despite the fact that there is presently no formal legislation governing NFTs, there are still methods to hold people legally accountable and bring them to justice, particularly for fraud, money laundering, and of course conspiracy to conduct fraud and money laundering.

The DOJ stated it had confiscated roughly $3.5 billion in bitcoin after arresting couple Illya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan on suspicion of laundering it one month after Choi was appointed and NCET was founded.

Frosties should serve as a clear reminder to everyone that regulators are closely monitoring NFTs and that the federal government is still able to use its resources to unravel complicated transactions and assist in identifying offenders who try to hide their identities, contrary to what many people believe about the federal government’s lack of the necessary resources to handle criminal acts of this magnitude with this new form of technology.

The SEC and regulators keep a careful eye on everything

The size of the NFT market has nearly doubled, exceeding last year’s figure of $25 billion, and is now estimated to be worth over $40 billion, including everything from artwork and antiques to gaming assets and virtual real estate.

As a result, it should not be surprising that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has apparently begun speaking with NFT developers and specific NFT markets that sell them to determine whether or not NFTs are being used in a manner that violates U.S. securities legislation. Despite the SEC’s prior expertise in the regulation of markets, Web3 has presented a fresh set of particular difficulties.

In accordance with the influential U.S. According to the Supreme Court case Howie, transactions that fall under the category of “investment contracts” are subject to U.S. securities laws if they (1) entail the investment of money in a joint venture and (2) a reasonable expectation that gains would result from the labor of others.

The entire crypto community is perplexed as to how the SEC will approach its initial attempts at rulemaking as it continues its investigation to better understand digital assets. Chairman Gary Gensler has made it clear that the agency will focus its attention on taking greater oversight of cryptocurrency.

So, do you need to fear? No, unless you want to start your own fraud business. Understanding how the main participants in the markets operate is the first step in the SEC’s efforts to regulate cryptocurrencies and NFTs. The Bored Ape Yacht Club made headlines in October 2022 when it was discovered that the SEC was looking into it. Contrary to con artists like Ethan Nguyen and Andre Llacuna, the BAYC welcomed this information and complied fully with the SEC’s investigation. Moving ahead, it would be advantageous for everyone if the NFT industry and regulatory organizations like the SEC could cooperate.

In the end, make sure you have spoken with a lawyer or at the very least have one available to you before choosing to invest in any cryptocurrency or NFT enterprise. It never hurts to have an extra set of eyes to assist you be vigilant, watchful, and diligent.

Make sure the project has a “story” or heart that gives it purpose, direction, and a clear roadmap of where it’s heading when you consider various NFT initiatives to invest in. Without them, all you are doing is betting on the future and putting yourself in danger of losing everything.

Legal professionals may have been compelled to take on greater ethical obligations as a result of the rising use of digital assets, particularly NFTs, in order to effectively and zealously defend clients. Naturally, this calls on them to at least have a basic understanding of the market to engage in those discussions regarding digital assets with their clients.

What are DAO Nouns and why are they important?


You might think about grammar when you hear the word “nouns.” However, in this tutorial, we are not referring to certain kinds of Nouns. On August 8, 2021, Nouns NFTs, a novel project powered by blockchain technology, officially launched. NFTs for nouns are pixel representations of a person, place, or item. At the moment, there are now over 400 Noun NFTs, and that number rises daily.

We need to comprehend DAOs in order to comprehend Nouns. On the Ethereum network, the Nouns project is a sort of DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). Noun DAO NFTs are works of generative art. Generative art is original, surprising, and random since it is produced by a computer program. NFTs are distinctive tokens that signify ownership of something, as you may already know (in this case digital art).

What are Nouns NFTs?

A generative NFT project called Nouns is running on the Ethereum blockchain. 32×32 pixel avatars based on people, places, and objects are called Nouns NFTs. Each day, one noun is produced. Horses, tacos, and airplanes are a few examples of nouns that are not proper nouns.

A protocol and open source project is the Nouns NFT. Both the art and the code that creates Nouns are open-source. Nouns’ developers released it into the public domain so that anybody may build upon it, just like they could upon the source.

The random creation of nouns is done using Ethereum block hashes. All nouns are equally rare since there are no if statements or other regulations influencing noun characteristic scarcity. Currently, nouns have the following characteristics:

  • accessories (137)
  • backgrounds (2)
  • bodies (30)
  • glasses (21)
  • heads (234)

Each Noun is a unique work of art that is directly saved on the blockchain. Every 24 hours, an auction is held for a single noun NFT, which is the only one that is ever produced. Nouns.wtf is one option for taking part in the noun activities.

You may try off-chain noun creation at the nouns playground if you want to have a little fun.

When an auction is over and there are no more offers, the NFT is transmitted to the nouns DAO treasury before being delivered to the victorious bidder.

Due to how Ethereum works, the auction must be resolved when it is over. The settlement transaction is in charge of several things, including:

  • It delivers the present NOUN NFT to the auction winner.
  • The following Noun is then produced.
  • The following 24-hour auction starts.

What exactly is Nouns DAO?

The primary governing body of Nouns, the Nouns DAO, is based on a fork of Compound Governance. All of the ETH revenue generated by the daily noun auctions is sent to the Nouns DAO treasury. Nouns have the ability to vote and to assign their vote to another person. To submit suggestions, you must have a minimum of 1 Noun.

Owning a word enables you to draft and vote on governance proposals, which when accepted, carry out transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

Since all proceeds from noun auctions are sent to Nouns DAO, Nounders (the founders of Nouns DAO) have chosen to pay themselves in nouns. These are the original founders who started Nouns:


Every tenth word will be automatically transmitted to the Nounder’s multi-sig during the first five years of the project, where it will be purchased and divided among the project’s initial participants.

The number of 24-hour auctions does not change as a result of these moves. Nouns are promptly moved to the Nounder’s multi-sig, and auctions continue as scheduled with the following noun ID.

What makes the Nouns DAO significant?

The Nouns DAO is significant because its initial goal was to ultimately draw developers who could take the Nouns protocol’s raw materials and turn them into applications that the rest of the world could use. If they are successful, the DAO will draw more funding and better-quality members, completing the upward spiral.

Budlight is one illustration of a stellar participant who joined the Nouns DAO. On January 18, 2022, the biggest beer corporation in the world purchased Noun 179 for 127 ETH, which will, at the DAO’s discretion, be returned via a proposal.

Sadly, most people won’t be able to join the Nouns DAO unless they have a lot of ETH burning a hole in their wallet. For Nouns NFTs, the winning bids typically range from 20 ETH to well over 100 ETH. Furthermore, Opensea’s floor price right now is a massive 69 ETH.

Despite the incredibly high entrance hurdle for earning your own Noun NFT, this decentralized organization is looking for high-quality members to aid in the development of programs that are suitable for onboarding the general public.