The Belvedere Museum and Art is releasing a brand-new NFT drop of a revered historical masterpiece in association with artèQ. The most well-known representation of a couple in love will be made available for purchase in a small number of digital excerpts just in time for Valentine’s Day. One of the most well-known pieces of art in the world and the focal point of the Belvedere collection, Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss (Lovers), will be specially reimagined as an NFT project.
Possess a special NFT of The Kiss
Beyond the chance to own a portion of the digitized image of The Kiss, this NFT drop offers more. It is about forging an individual bond with the work of art. joining a group that will be remembered as a forerunner in the metaverse and recorded in the annals of art.
Each piece of the exclusive drop, which is limited to 10.000 units, is a distinct component of the high-resolution image of The Kiss. One NFT is estimated to cost 1.850 €, and each one has the number and its unique coordinates imprinted on it.
10,000 one-of-a-kind unique pieces will be created from a high-resolution digital copy by dividing it into a 100 x 100 grid, and these pieces will be sold as non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, in short. Buyers can register on thekiss.art as the official owner of their piece in addition to buying the NFT, which allows them to view the entire image there. In time for Valentine’s Day, this entry can also be interpreted as a love letter.
Dedicate a Kiss to someone you love
There will be an option to dedicate the piece to your loved one, along with the opportunity to leave a thoughtful message, once you’ve completed the sign-up for The Kiss NFT and had the chance to buy it. There will be a dedication page available following the drop that will list every NFT that has been given to someone worldwide.
Events and Conferences:
- Live Event on Discord in May featuring Belvedere and artèQ
- The second-largest art fair in South Korea, NFT Talk & Trade Show Art Busan (artbusankorea.com).
- Visit www.3protv.com for information on the media tour and sales promotion event that 3Pro-TV is hosting in Seoul.
- At MET AMS, artèQ and the Belvedere will be present to discuss our project on a panel and at the conference: met-ams.xyz
- To promote “The Kiss” NFTs project at the conference and on the panel, artèQ and the Belvedere will attend NFT.NYC 2022, the premier annual NFT-event: www.nft.nyc
- Additional speeches and demonstrations at numerous illustrious events in Austria, such as Conference on Fundraising, Creative Days in Vienna (Vienna Up), WKO Exporttag, Kultursummit, and numerous other events
Marketing with Content
Thekiss.art (English) and www.belvedere.at/nft (German/English) offer tutorial videos, a glossary, and an explanation of NFT for beginners in an effort to enlighten newcomers and raise awareness for the project.
Advertising Online
To spread the word about the initiative and direct visitors to The Kiss website, use display ads (banners, videos, etc.).
Partnerships & Influencer Marketing
With the help of top NFT/Art influencers and partner platforms, we created content, held contests, and promoted it (Focus Asia and USA).
NFT dedications and promotion videos are displayed on interactive screens
In two locations at the Upper Belvedere (Marble Hall, near the site of the original “The Kiss”) and Lower Belvedere (Marble Gallery), SAMSUNG Touch 43″ screens show the NFT promo video and dedications. Owners can search and display their dedications and NFTs on the screen.
NFT Postcards
At the ticket counter or via push notification on The Kiss NFT via online ticket to his/her wallet, every visitor receives the NFT postcard.
Museum Promotion
Promotion of “The Kiss” NFT via museum-owned media is frequently done through all channels (Social Media, Newsletter, event promotion etc.)
Annual Entry for Free
Every “The Kiss” NFT holder receives a complimentary annual ticket to the Belvedere Museum, along with one guest! You can go to the museum several times a year with an annual pass. By connecting your wallet, you can find your redemption code on the MY TOKEN page. Until the end of 2022, redeem the code at www.belvedere.at/tickets. After its issuance, the annual ticket is good for 12 months.
Ambassador Initiative
Become an ambassador to help the project and you could win fantastic prizes. Make use of your unique referral link or code to invite friends to mint a spot. On the MY TOKEN page, connect your wallet and learn more about the program.
artèQ Airdrop
“The Kiss” NFT holders only receive an airdrop of 50 EUR worth of artèQ token (limited-time offer). An inventive method of investing in NFTs with many advantages is the artèQ token. Visit Arteq at https://arteq.io/happening. For a list of airdrops, use the keyword cat.
Coming Soon
NFT Paper Wallet Box debut
NFT-boxes that are ready to go on sale can be found at important partners as well as the museum shops.
Personalized, high-quality NFT goods
Personalized for your NFT, such as stationery, art prints, etc.
Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss
1908/09, “(Lovers)”

In the film The Kiss, the couple is shown being closely entwined, unaware of their surroundings, and lost in their embrace. Gustav Klimt, an Austrian painter, expressed the universal theme of love as the core of human existence in this piece at the pinnacle of his “Golden Period.” For the newly established Modern Gallery in the Lower Belvedere, the Austrian state purchased the piece in 1908, the year it was first presented. Since that time, the painting has remained in the museum’s collection. Today, The Kiss is revered as a symbol of both European Modernism and Viennese Art Nouveau. It is one of the most well-known and widely imitated pieces of art in existence.

The Donau-Finanz Group’s artèQ project combines an auction house and NFT investment fund with the intention of fusing innovation, technology, and art. The platform uses the safest technology available to bring artists, art collectors, and investors closer to digital art. Works of art are traded all over the world – in various auction houses or directly with museums and galleries – via artèQ Auction House, a potent online platform that uses cutting-edge technology in a prestigious virtual environment. With a global staff of experts in technology, finance, and the arts, artèQ not only promises professional support but also ongoing adaptation to the most recent advancements in the blockchain market.

The Austrian Gallery Belvedere has three locations where Austrian art is displayed in an international context. An UNESCO World Heritage Site is the baroque Upper and Lower Belvedere complex and its garden. From the Middle Ages to the present, its renowned art collection features works. In addition, the Belvedere has the largest collection of Gustav Klimt paintings in the world, numbering 24 pieces. The Austrian Baroque, Vienna around 1900, and French Impressionism are also notable periods represented by notable works. The Belvedere will continue to be a top-notch museum for years to come with continued development and digitization in every area.
The NFTs will be officially released or “dropped” no later than February 14—Valentine’s Day. The NFT certificates that have been issued will then clearly indicate which portion of the high-resolution image was purchased. Through thekiss.art, a unique declaration of love can be added to the NFT. Beginning on February 14, these dedications will be displayed on the platform. Any commercially available NFT sales platform can be used to resell the NFTs.
If you purchase the NFT, you will be sent a link to your own IPFS NFT. On the website, you can include a dedication next to the NFT. You’ll get an email with a link to the dedication page. Additionally, you will have the option to download the data file for your NFT tile for your own personal use.
Please be aware that “The Kiss” NFTs are only offered for purchase through thekiss.art and opensea.io; always check the platform’s correct URL to make sure it is not a fake website.
Check the following links below for more info and updates:
The Kiss NFT Drop by Gustav Klimt